On 1 st June 2024, Gold Mint Product Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of Poysian Brand inhalers, Poysian Brand patchouli essential oil, PE-PEX Brand inhalers and affiliate products, participated in Bangkok Pride Festival 2024 – Celebration of Love in cooperation with LGBTQ+ persons with disabilities. The company and our special participants, partly ones with mobility disabilities and hearing impairment, joined the campaign “Bangkok City, the Livable – Touristy City for All” under the concept of “being a safely-visited city for disabled tourists” because, even today, public facilities for the disabled are not available enough here. To represent the LGBTQ+ disabled, papaya blossoms (Carica papaya) are chosen by the company; the flowers bloom to bear papayas, which can either be eaten as ripe fruits or used as the main ingredient of “Somtam” – a Thai signature dish. For scientists, this trioecious plant with co-occurrence of males, females and hermaphrodites within a bloom is selected as the prototype of plant sex classification, as well. “To this point, papaya blossoms are compared to these potential ones, the LGBTQ+ disabled, who are prideful for our society. We are trying our best to push Bangkok to be a safe-to-travelled city for disabled tourists. Neither physical disabilities nor any other personal differences diminish human pride or become obstacles to the equal accessibility of a good quality of life. Mr Nutthapong Larbboonsarp (PhD), the company’s executive committee,