“Poy-sian Brand Inhaler’s” Contribution to School and Hospital Funds for Development in Samut Sakhorn Province

Mrs Jankajorn Larbboonsarp attained as the representative of Gold Mint Product Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of Poy-sian Brand inhalers and affiliate products for contribution 1,111,111 bahts (one million one hundred and eleven thousand one hundred eleven baht) to Samut Sakhon Burana School in Amphoe Mueang District, Samut Sakhon Province, as an educational development fund on the 111 School Anniversary.

Special Greeting Together – Painting the Whole World in Pink with “Poy-sian Brand Inhaler” in KIM BUM FAN MEETING

Gold Mint Product Co., Ltd., the manufacturer of Poy-sian Brand inhalers and affiliate products, cooperatively held the 2023 ASIA KIM BUM FAN MEETING “BETWEEN U AND ME” by Bangkok Exhibition (BEX) at KBANK Siam Pic-Ganesha Theatre on 16 September 2023.

“Poy-sian Brand” Cooperatively Purchased an Ambulance for the Emergency Service Centre, Prince of Songkhla University

Gold Mint Product Co., Ltd., manufacturer and distributor of Poy-sian Brand inhaler, in cooperation with other private sectors, donated 500,000 Baht to purchase an ambulance for Emergency Service and Disaster Mitigation Centre, Prince of Songkhla University

“Poy-sian Brand” with TSK Handed Educational Board Games to 36 Schools throughout Thailand

From 21 August to 1 September 2023, Gold Mint Product Co., Ltd., the manufacturer and distributor of Poy-sian Brand inhaler, in cooperation with TSK Game and Products Co., Ltd., held the 1 Educational Reinforcement Project by using a Board Game-based Learning Activity, of the academic year 2023.

Enjoying “Poy-sian Giant Water Slider” in Fun Chequered-cloth Songkran Festival of Siam Square

Mr Nutthapong Larbboonsarp (PhD) – Executive Committee, along with Ms Hatthaya Saralikhit – Advertising and Public Relations Manager of Gold Mint Product Co., Ltd., the manufacturer and distributor of Poy-sian Brand inhaler, set up an amusing 50-metre-long giant water slider along the central walkway of Siam Square One for “Fun Chequered-cloth Songkran Festival of Siam Square”